Hi. I'm Luke. Email - GitHub - About Me - Twitter - Keybase I'm a co-founder at Nebulous, writing software to re-decentralize the Internet. I studied Computer & Systems Engineering at RPI for 3 years before my long-time friend David and I were bitten by the startup bug. I've previously worked in a cube at Akamai and Kronos, but I don't think I'm going back to that way of life anytime soon. Aside from programming, I like ambient music, 4chan, and eggnog. My main focus right now is Sia, a distributed cloud storage platform. I mostly work on the backend, siad, but have contributed to the frontend, Sia-UI, as well. I also wrote an app for the Ledger Nano S hardware wallet, and currently I'm exploring new ways to interact with the Sia network in a personal project called us. I primarily program in Go, which I have used to write a number of libraries and tools. Here are some that I think are especially neat: ply: A compile-to-Go language supporting generic container operations randmap: Efficient random map access and iteration (blog post) freeze: Make any Go object immutable via mprotect jsteg: A tool for hiding data in JPEGs Here are my solutions to the Go challenge. Here are my solutions to the Advent of Code. I also wrote a fun post about side channels.